The States Home to the Naughtiest Bachelor and Bachelorettes

Author: Fintan Costello | Fact checker: Tommi Valtonen · Updated: · Ad Disclosure
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The States Home to the Naughtiest Bachelor and Bachelorettes

Bachelor and bachelorette parties are a time for excited spouses-to-be to gather their nearest and dearest to celebrate their upcoming nuptials and bid their single days a fond farewell. But not everything is sunshine and roses.

It’s a well-known trope that bachelor and bachelorette parties can be host to some nefarious activities, including improper behaviour and cheating on a significant other. The gambling experts at wanted to find out more about those who take the chance on a little out-of-bounds romance.

The survey asked 6,000 males and females from across the country to find out who cheated the most, which US state the most people cheated in, and more details about these latter-day Lotharios.

Top 10 Naughtiest Bachelor/Bachelorette Hotspots in the US

It’s not just the bride and grooms-to-be that might get a bit frisky at bachelor and bachelorette parties—guests are often the main perpetrators. We looked at everyone who was in a relationship while attending these celebrations as we sought to find out which state was home to the naughtiest behaviour.

1. Delaware

If you and your partner live in Delaware and your partner is heading to a bachelor or bachelorette party, you best be Dela-wary. Of our 6,000 respondents, 88.9% got up to some naughty behaviour at a bachelor or bachelorette party. Of these, 61.1% took place at a bachelor party and 27.8% took place at a bachelorette.

2. North Dakota

It’s official, the north is the naughtiest of the two Dakotas. While lagging behind Delaware, 85.7% of respondents admitted to committing deceitful behaviour. This was evenly split between bachelor (42.9%) and bachelorette (42.9%) parties in the state. Some of this behaviour included receiving a lap dance (16.67%) and having a threesome (16.67%).

3. Idaho

Coming in closely behind North Dakota in third place is Idaho. Over 84.8% of respondents in Idaho admitted to getting up to something they shouldn’t. It’s predominantly the ladies turning Idaho into a whole State of Sin, with almost half (45.5%) of naughty behaviour taking place at bachelorette parties. That said, men don’t fall too far behind with 39.4% getting up to naughty behaviour.

=4. New Mexico

Next on our list is New Mexico. It might be the dry heat going to people’s heads, but 84.2% of respondents admitted to stepping out on their partners. Exactly half of these misdeeds (42.1%) were admitted by those doing the dirty at bachelorette parties. But bachelor parties still had their share of playing around, with an identical 42.1% acting up.

=4. Rhode Island

Just like with New Mexico, it seems that people can’t resist getting frisky over in Rhode Island as 84.2% of respondents admitted to getting up to no good, of which 47.4% were during bachelorette parties. The majority of two-timing in Rhode Island was the act of getting a lapdance, which 18.75% of respondents admitted to.

6. Alabama

Coming in sixth place is Alabama, where 83.5% of survey respondents admitted to being deceitful in the Yellowhammer state. The split between men and women in Alabama was pretty even — 42.9% at bachelor parties, and 40.9% of misdeeds took place at bachelorette parties. Taking into account the naughty behaviour from both parties, 30.26% were the act of receiving a lap dance.

7. South Dakota

Coming in seventh place is South Dakota, which is doing its best to catch up to its naughty Northern counterpart. 81.3% of respondents in the state of South Dakota admitted to acting up, and while receiving a lap dance (38.46%) seems to be the running theme across the USA. The badly behaved in South Dakota also seem partial to sexting other people (23.08%) and participating in sexy games such as strip poker (23.08%).

8. West Virginia

The line may be “Country roads, take me home”, but maybe it should be “take me anywhere but”. West Virginians can’t seem to help but be naughty. In keeping with this, we found 81.3% of people admitted to playing away at bachelor and bachelorette parties in Ohio. In this case, the ladies are letting the side down with more cases of naughty hijinks (59.4%) compared to men (21.9%). After lap dances (38.46%), a quarter of people in Ohio have confessed to kissing someone else (26.92%).

=9. New Hampshire

New Hampshire is home to iconic sites such as Mount Washington, and it’s a tale as old as time that where there is a bachelor or bachelorette party, there will be wild debauchery. Coming just a few points behind West Virginia, New Hampshire lands in joint-ninth place with 80.0% of respondents doing the dirty. 36.0% of this behaviour is taking place at bachelor parties and 44.0% at bachelorette parties.

=9. Wyoming

Also joining New Hampshire in ninth, with 80.0% of respondents admitting to being naughty whilst on a bachelor or bachelorette party, is Wyoming. Home to areas of natural beauty, such as Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming can now also be known as one of the top places in the USA for indulging in naughty behaviour. Of the 80.0%, these were divided equally between bachelor (40.0%) and bachelorette (40.0%) parties.

The 5 Most Faithful States in the US

But not all of the United States are hotbeds of deception and wanton temptation. Here are the five states that had the fewest confessions of extra-relationship encounters.

1. Nebraska

In first place is Nebraska, the most faithful of all 50 states. Known as the Cornhusker State, Nebraska is famous for its vast prairies and country lifestyle. 57.1% of our survey respondents admitted to some kind of unfaithful behaviour. This was evenly divided between bachelor and bachelorette parties, with each side admitting to some naughty hijinks, with the most common of these being receiving a lap dance (30.0%).

2. Vermont

Coming in second place as one of the most faithful of all of the United States is Vermont. Vermont’s score is relatively low, compared to our highest score in Delaware of 88.9%. In the Green Mountain state, 63.6% of our survey respondents admitted committing sinful acts. Of these, the best behaved were those attending bachelor parties (27.3%) compared to bachelorette parties (36.4%). Of these, the most common naughty activity respondents admitted to was signing up for dating apps while attending a party (42.86%).

3. Maine

Coming in third, and among one of the most faithful states in America, is Maine. Of all respondents in this state, 64.0% admitted to doing the dirty. When broken down by men and women, almost double the amount of naughty behaviour occurs at bachelorette parties (40.0%) compared to bachelor parties (24.0%).

4. Colorado

In fourth place on our top five list is Colorado, which comes just ahead of Florida with 65.4% of respondents confessing their sins. Bachelorette attendees are the most likely to be naughty (37.4%) versus bachelor guests (28.0%). The most common kinds of debauchery in Colorado while at a bachelor or bachelorette party are receiving a lap dance (32.86%) and giving your number to someone else (24.29%).

5. Florida

They call Florida the Sunshine State and we’re about to shed some light on its seedy underbelly. Of our Floridian survey respondents, 68.8% admitted to naughty behaviour from the land of beaches, swamps, and retirement homes. This was pretty closely split between bachelor (32.7%) and bachelorette parties (36.0%). However, the most common sinful behaviour was receiving a lap dance from someone other than your partner, which a third (33.33%) admitted to.

Likelihood of Naughty Behaviour According to Zodiac Sign

1. Cancer

If your partner’s zodiac sign is Cancer and they’re off on a bachelor or bachelorette party, you better watch out as this star sign is responsible for 79.3% of naughty behaviour. Perhaps the star sign’s intuitive qualities let them know where the best place is to give into their wild side?

2. Taurus

Cancer is followed closely by the most stubborn of signs, Taurus, with 78.6% of naughty activities taking place by people with this star sign. Sinful behaviour is more likely to occur at bachelorette parties (46.2%) compared to bachelor parties (32.5%).

3. Libra

Next up is Libra, the sign of balance. For this zodiac, of the 77.5% incidents of naughty behaviour, Libras attending bachelorette parties are more likely to do the dirty compared to Libra guests at bachelor parties (41.4% and 36.2%, respectively).

4. Gemini

In fourth is Gemini, with three-quarters (75.5%) of respondents admitting to incidents of sinful behaviour. Well over half of these took place at bachelorette parties (44.0%), which is quite high compared to the relatively low rate at bachelor parties (31.5%).

5. Pisces

Pisces swims into fifth place with 74.7% of respondents admitting they got up to no good. Unsurprisingly, these happened significantly more often at bachelorette parties (43.9%) than at bachelor parties (38%)—a running theme!

6. Virgo

Virgos might be represented by a virgin, but this sign still comes in sixth with 74.3% confessing their sins. Virgo also keeps up the trend of the most naughty behaviour taking place at bachelorette parties with 42.2% admitting to this, versus 32.1% at bachelor parties.

7. Leo

Following (very) closely behind Virgo is Leo in seventh place, with 74.2% admitting to misdeeds at bachelor or bachelorette parties. From analysing the results of our survey, the majority of these incidents are performed at a bachelorette party (41.3%) as opposed to the comparatively well-behaved gents at bachelor parties (32.9%).

8. Scorpio

Eighth place on our list is Scorpio, with 73.2% of our respondents admitting to acting out. Much like the majority of other signs, these took place at bachelorette parties (43.4%), with those at bachelor parties acting with a bit more decorum (29.8%).

9. Sagittarius

Sagittarius follows closely behind Scorpio with 73.1% of our survey respondents admitting that they stepped out of line whilst attending a bachelor or bachelorette party. From analysing the survey data, most of these sinful activities took place at bachelorette parties (40.0%) compared to bachelor parties (33.1%).

10. Capricorn

In 10th place is Capricorn, which saw 72.7% of respondents admit to doing something they knew their partner wouldn’t appreciate. Of the 72.7% of people acting sinful, it was pretty evenly split between attendees of bachelor (34.3%) and bachelorette (38.4%) parties.

11. Aries

Aries is next with a total of 72.1% of survey respondents admitting to acting out — surprising for the sign known for its impulsivity. 41.2% of these took place at bachelorette parties, while only 30.9% took place at bachelor parties.

12. Aquarius

Finally, the most faithful star sign on our list is Aquarius. With 71.2% of respondents admitting to playing away in some way, this sign conducted most of its indulgent activities at bachelorette parties (37.6%) versus bachelor parties (33.6%).

Most Common Examples of Naughty Behaviour

The most common way to act out, by a wide margin, was receiving a lap dance, with a third (33.1%) of survey respondents confessing to committing this indiscretion. The next most common behaviour is kissing someone else (21.3%). This is followed closely by signing up for dating apps while attending a party (18.4%) and concludes the top three.

The next most common behaviour was “other” at 18.3%, where respondents’ imaginations were allowed to run wild and confess to sins we couldn’t imagine. From voyeurism to sexy ventriloquism, nothing is off the cards.

Next came participating in a game that involves sexual activity with 14.9% of survey respondents admitting they had done this. This is followed closely by:

? giving your number to someone (13.2%)
? sexting someone else (512.8%)
? having sex with someone else (11.2%).

Surprisingly, the fewest people admitted to having a threesome (9.0%) and flirting with someone else (4.4%) and, perhaps not as surprisingly, developing romantic feelings for someone else (3.3%).

Who are the Naughtiest: Brides, Grooms, or Guests?

There are no two ways about it, the biggest cheats, when it comes to bachelor parties and bachelorette parties, are the guests. Our survey respondents admitted to a total of 7,176 instances of naughty actions. Of these, 87.95% were done by guests in attendance. That’s a total of 6,311 incidents.

But the real question inquiring minds need the answer to is: who cheats most, brides or grooms-to-be?

BonusFinder can now exclusively reveal that, by a very slim margin, it is brides-to-be that are often the most deceitful at their pre-wedding celebration parties. Bachelorettes admitted to a total of 362 incidents, which makes up just over 5% of the total number of incidents.

That’s not to say grooms-to-be are totally innocent—they follow closely behind with 348 incidents. At 4.8% of the total, they’ve definitely been up to some naughty behaviour too…


1. conducted a study to examine infidelity rates in the United States.
2. Data from an online survey with 6,000 participants representing all states were analyzed.
3. The study computed the percentage of respondents who reported engaging in infidelity, categorized by state and astrological sign.
4. Detailed analysis included various activities related to infidelity, activities include sexual intercourse, kissing, flirting, and other physical, emotional, and digital interactions.
5. Data was collected on April 21, 2023, and remains accurate as of that date.

Former Managing Director
Fintan Costello is a gambling industry veteran and has held senior leadership positions in numerous gambling companies including PokerStars and PaddyPower. For a number of years Fintan also led the Gambling vertical at Google.